Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chapter 3 Vibhuti Pada (21-30)

Vibhuti Pada 21
yoga sutras
Control of the energy form in the body leads to the power to change the effects light has on it. When light does not interact with form it becomes invisible to the eye.

By the practice of the threefold inner discipline on the form and the substantiality of the body, one can comprehend directly the energy that makes it possible to “grasp” it with the eyes and so forth (for the flow of light waves is the form): and when this energy-function is suspended, the dynamics of perception is made inoperative, the link between the perceiving eye and light is severed as it were and invisibility occurs.
Vibhuti Pada 22
yoga sutras
By the same means sound is controlled.

Vibhuti Pada 23
yoga sutras
Understand and master all actions. Know their effects which can be immediate or may remain dormant surfacing later. Time of death can known from this knowledge or from omens.

Action performed here yields results either immediately (if the action is of great intensity) or in course of time (if it lacks intensity). By the practice of the threefold inner discipline on the intensity or on the chain of action-reaction or the law of cause and effect, there comes knowledge of death (though not knowledge of the ultimate extinction of the ego-sense or liberation) . This knowledge can also be gained by such discipline directed towards omens and portents.
Vibhuti Pada 24
yoga sutras
Inner strength manifests from the cultivation of friendliness.

By the practice of the threefold discipline on qualities like friendship one becomes an embodiment of such qualities naturally, and thus one gains great moral, psychic and spiritual strength.

Vibhuti Pada 25
yoga sutras
Samyama on strength allows its growth to that of an elephant.

By the practice of the threefold discipline on various kinds of strength (physical, mental, moral, psychic and spiritual) one grows to be as strong as, say, an elephant.

Vibhuti Pada 26
yoga sutras
This knowledge of undetectable light close and far becomes known.

By correctly directing and focusing the light of perception in which the senses and their objects (the whole of nature) function, knowledge can be gained of the subtle, the hidden, and even the remote objects or phenomena.

Vibhuti Pada 27
yoga sutras
Samyama on the sun brings knowledge of deeper worlds.

By the practice of the threefold discipline on the sun a knowledge of the physical universe is gained.

Vibhuti Pada 28
yoga sutras
Samyama on the moon brings knowledge of the order of the stars.

By the practice of the threefold discipline on the moon, there arises a knowledge of the stellar system.

Vibhuti Pada 29
yoga sutras
Samyama on the North Star brings knowledge of destiny.

By the practice of the threefold discipline on the pole star, there comes a knowledge of its movement (or the movement of the stars) .

Vibhuti Pada 30
yoga sutras
Samyama on the navel brings knowledge of energy centers and their interactions.

By the practice of the threefold inner discipline at the psychic center at the navel (the Manipura chakra) the knowledge of the physiology of the body is gained.

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